Right-Minded Teamwork ® 9 Right Choices is a real-world team-building process that creates a team that works as one. No “pretend” process, silly team games, or useless training exercises are found here.
This book presents 9 Choices and the thought systemWhat you believe is your thought system. Pause and reflect on this truth, and above all, be thankful that it is true. More that successful team leaders and facilitators use to create and sustain teams that Do No Harm and Work as One ®.
Listen: 1:35 Minute Explanation
What is Right-Minded Teamwork?
This fast read is an excellent Right-Minded Teamwork primer. In this book, RMT’s 9 Right Choices are defined, and practical exercises are provided for applying each one. This book teaches team facilitators, team leaders, and teammates how to incorporate these 9 Right Choices to create and sustain unified teamwork, making achieving team goals inevitable.
Right-Minded Teamwork’s 9 Right Choices
1. Make the Right-Minded Choice: Choose ReasonReason is a mythological character and symbolic guide who shows you how to think and behave in a Right-Minded way. As your Right-Minded teacher, Reason helps you differentiate and choose between Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors. More
All teammates discuss and enthusiastically agree to take responsibility for creating and following their custom version of Right-Minded Teamwork.
2. OnenessOneness is a psychological state of mind. It can be described in many ways using phrases such do no harm, and work as one. Separateness is its opposite. More or SeparatenessOneness is a psychological state of mind. It can be described in many ways using phrases such do no harm, and work as one. Separateness is its opposite. More? Choose to Behave as One
Making a wholehearted commitment to Oneness is a crucial first step to Do No Harm, Work as One ®
3. Right-Minded Communication: An End to Separateness
Right-Minded teammates’ communication is effective and kind. This type of communication flows naturally and effortlessly when teammates actively live the first two choices.
4. Meaningful Vision: Make Your Dream Come True
The team’s vision provides the context for making Right-Minded, team-oriented choices.
5. Work AgreementsA Work Agreement is a collective teammate promise to transform non-productive, adversarial behavior into collaborative teamwork behavior. More: Bring People Together as One
Work Agreements establish an environment in which teammates forgive past mistakes in the present, opening them up to greater future potential.
6. Critical Few: Complete Important Tasks FirstWhen a team is stuck in the "full-plate syndrome," it is best to complete the important tasks first. More
Instead of chasing busyness, Right-Minded teammates spend their time doing the right things right.
7. Mistakes Happen: Correct Them; Don’t Punish People
Right-Minded teammates do not fear or blame. They correct mistakes because they know that doing so is one of the most sensible and sane ways to learn.
8. Conflict Happens: Go to the Classroom, Not the Battleground
When team conflict occurs, Right-Minded teammates rise above the psychological battleground, make Right-Minded choices, and find constructive solutions.
9. Recognition: Make It Easy to Keep GoingAuthentic recognition is giving and receiving genuine appreciation for a job well done. More
Giving and receiving authentic recognition for a job well done feeds team spirit and fuels Right-Minded Teamwork’s continuous improvement process.
These teamwork Choices are universal, self-evident, and self-validating. With the 9 Choices in your mind, you no longer have to wonder what you should do in any team situation. The answer will always be, “Do No Harm and Work as One.”
Two Options for Applying the 9 Right Choices
There is no single right way to apply the choices. However, two possible scenarios lend themselves well to team application.
The first option is to ask all teammates to read this book, Right-Minded Teamwork: 9 Right Choices for Building a Team that Works as One, and complete the survey at the end [it’s also included in this ebook package]. You will then compile teammates’ scores and comments and distribute the overall results to all teammates. As a full team, you will discuss the results and identify which Choices to apply in your team.
The second option is to openly discuss, in a team meeting, the first two of the 9 Right Choices. By the end of the meeting, teammates will have chosen several of their own “right” attitudes and work behaviors that they want to live by going forward. These team-wide “right choices” are captured in team Work Agreements that everyone agrees to follow.
It’s the Dialogue!
No matter which approach you choose, remember it is really about the dialogue. These 9 Choices are undoubtedly important, but they are secondary to your team’s discussion of them. Regardless of your preferred approach, every application should include a healthy, functional, and empowering dialogue that moves your teammates towards acting and behaving as one unified team.
Everything You Need to Get Started Is Here!
This package contains these downloadable files:
- Ebook: PDF, 172 pages – Right-Minded Teamwork: 9 Right Choices
- Ebook: ePUB, 172 pages – Right-Minded Teamwork: 9 Right Choices
- PDF: 9 Right Choices Teammate Survey – Instructions & Questionnaire
- MS Word Document: 9 Right Choices Teammate Survey – Instructions & Questionnaire
***NOTE: This ebook package includes accompanying Reusable Resources specific to this book. Paperback purchases made through Amazon or Barnes & Noble do NOT include these Reusable Resources. If you have already made your paperback purchase, visit the Resources section of your book for a discount code, then return to to invest in your accompanying Reusable Resources.
Praise for Right-Minded Teamwork’s 9 Right Choices
May Oneness be With You & Your Teammates 🙏
Dan Hogan, Certified Master Facilitator
Dan Hogan –
A fast read that takes you straight to the root of team dysfunctions and gives you proven, step-by-step tools to improve team function and deliver results. I have paid $1000’s for team training and workshops that are better summarized here. I am glad to be reminded to choose Reason over Ego and stay in my right-mind. R. Hensley 2013
Dan Hogan –
The author’s passion and skill for facilitation and developing teams is evident and this book provides tools and examples to channel his experience so it may be applied by readers. The style of writing is to-the-point and provides good information without holding back.
The book focuses on how to help teams identify weaknesses and work better together by following a process the author has developed based upon his experience. What’s great about the book is that in addition to the process outlined, the author provides supplemental resources and links to additional information to help you out. In the book, he consistently advocates a team approach for working and after reading it, you see that he practices what he writes and truly wants you to be a better team leader. Lauren Bailey, 2013
Dan Hogan –
A thoughtful approach to building a Team
Reviewed in Canada September 22, 2022
I used the concepts in this book to help design a very successful team-building workshop; great read. Easy to apply concepts. B. Bond
Dan Hogan –
The author of this guide is all-knowing and has clearly and in a pithy way documented the nine steps to bringing a team together. Togetherness and one-mindedness are key elements to an average team doing extraordinary things. [This book] provides a roadmap to use in building a team that works. Alan Kleier, Former GM/VP 2014