7 Mindfulness Training Lessons Create Healthy Team Culture
In this article, you will learn about how to use these 7 lessons to create a healthy team culture.
Table of Contents
- Teamwork Lessons – Healthy Team Culture
- What’s Outside Reflects What’s Inside – YOU!
- Use These 7 Teamwork Lessons to Create Team Culture
- Your Only Freedom – Choice
- Conclusion & Get Started
I was reflecting on a challenging situation with a fellow entrepreneur, and as I was trying to figure out how I wanted to approach it, the first of the 7 Lessons of Right-Minded Thinking popped into my mind. “I am not upset about this difficult team situation for the reason I think.”
So, I applied it, then figured I might as well apply the next few steps, too.
As I did, I could feel myself relaxing, and, in just a few moments, I was able to see the situation completely differently.
My inner resistance has dissipated, and therefore the issue has, too. Woohoo!
I had no doubt your methodology was effective but I didn’t realize how much I was absorbing and how immediately effective it could be.
So, thank you and RMT for this personal breakthrough! 🙂
Teamwork Lessons to Create a Healthy Team Culture
By healthy culture, we mean that your team is like a joyful classroom with wonderful teammates who love learning just as much as you do.
You and your teammates follow these 7 Mindfulness Training Lessons from ReasonReason is a mythological character and symbolic guide who shows you how to think and behave in a Right-Minded way. As your Right-Minded teacher, Reason helps you differentiate and choose between Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors. More which ensure you achieve the Right-Minded Teamwork motto: Do No Harm. Works As One.
By contrast, an unhealthy culture that follows Ego feels like a battleground. You feel trapped, unappreciated, and fearful.
You and your teammates live by the wrong-minded teamwork maxim: It wasn’t my fault. Don’t blame me.
We all know humanity would be far better off if everyone in the whole world experienced their team as a positive and safe classroom.
I know, wishful thinking, but you and I can choose to see that way, right?!
The kind of “seeing” I’m talking about comes as a result of your Right-Minded Choice.
That is to say when you choose to see your workplace as a classroom, I guarantee you have the right-minded willingness to learn how to respond to your classroom challenges continuously.
What’s Outside Reflects What’s Inside
It’s difficult to accept, at times, but the truth is that most of what you and I experience as being outside ourselves is a mirror image of what is going on inside.
To discuss all the shades and variations of this truth is beyond the limits of this post. But it is possible to remind you.
Whether you see your team as a classroom or a battleground, it is because you have first chosen to see your team that way.
So, to experience your team, more and more, as a classroom, here is what you need to do…
Strengthen your desire and willingness to change your mind and behavior so that you more effectively respond to your classroom challenges.
Use These 7 Teamwork Lessons to Create Healthy Team Culture
The lessons can be summed up in one sentence, with particular emphasis on just three words:
Right-Minded Teammates accept, forgive, and adjust their thinking and work behavior.
Whenever you feel like your team is a prison, use these lessons to accept, forgive, and adjust your thinking.
Here are the 7 lessons:
- I am not upset about this difficult team situation for the reason I think.
- I accept and own my part in this situation.
- It’s impossible that my thoughts about this situation are neutral.
- I forgive others and myself.
- I will transform the effects of this difficult team situation.
- I adjust my thinking and behavior.
- I see every difficult team situation as a learning opportunity.
These lessons are effective. They are a self-study course in mindfulness. They will help you take control of your mind.
Mindfulness is your conscious ability to monitor your thoughts in the present. At the same time, you calmly acknowledge and accept your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and those of others.
Within the Right-Minded Choice Model, mindfulness is described as “your desire, willingness, and ability to change your attitude and behavior to effectively respond to difficult team situations.”
When you practice these mindfulness lessons, you are putting right-minded attitudes and behaviors into action. Do that, and you will transform every prison challenge into a learning classroom.
When you think this way, right-minded work behaviors follow. Your work performance will contribute to creating a Right-Minded Teamwork classroom. Moreover, you are using these teamwork lessons to create a healthy team culture.
Your Freedom to Choose
Keep in mind that the only freedom you truly have is the freedom to choose how to respond to your classroom challenges.
To make the most of your freedom, you must train your mind to apply right-minded choices in both good times and bad.
Your team is one of your classrooms.
If you hate going to class, you will never understand Right-Minded Teamwork.
But if you want to be fully functional and emotionally mature, you will gladly embrace your teammates and enjoy attending class every day.
The good news is that right-minded choices are natural and are already inside you.
When you and your teammates are not collaborating or functioning at your best, you can be sure you are following wrong-minded choices. You have created a useless team prison.
It does not have to be that way. Change your mind.
Our list of Right-Minded Choices does not claim to teach the complete meaning of right-mindedness. It does claim that by discussing these choices with your team, you will remove the blocks to right-minded awareness.
In conclusion, we can now say that the fundamental purpose of the 7 Mindfulness Training Lessons is to remove the blocks of wrong-minded thinking.
By doing that, the right-minded truth is revealed which is: You CAN use these lessons to create a healthy team culture.
Click Here to buy the book today!
To your success, Dan Hogan
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