The story & the moral, is short and simple.
The RMT Philosophy – it’s not really a myth.
The story follows three characters: Reason, Ego, and you, the Decision-Maker.
The myth illustrates the Right-Minded Teamwork philosophy of Do No Harm and Work As One.
It is your team’s aspirational thought system.
Simply put, the RMT Myth advocates for your teammates to follow Reason’s path to oneness and shared interest [Do No Harm – Work as One] instead of following Ego’s disastrous advice to seek separateness and prioritize selfishness.
In other words, the Right-Minded Teamwork Myth illustrates what “right-minded” thinking and behaving ideally look and feel like in YOUR TEAM.
Once you have read and understood the RMT Myth, you and your team are ready for the Right-Minded Teamwork process.
The RMT Process
Unlike the story, the RMT process is no myth.
It is practical, deliberate, and reliable.
The RMT process is a set of interconnected, team-building methods that together form a self-perpetuating, continuous improvement system.
It allows you to integrate the aspirations of the RMT Myth into your team in a way that helps you achieve your business goals.
This book will thoroughly introduce you and in some cases teach you the RMT process, including seven of RMT’s proven team-building methods that lead to continuous improvement.
Now, enjoy the story in the spoken or written word.
RMT Myth Audio
The Myth
Once, before we lived in tribes, we all naturally worked together as one.
All our needs were met. There was no sense of want because there was no need. Peace, abundance, and collaboration were normal. Instead of “yours” and “mine,” we shared with each other simply and effortlessly.
There was no leader, either, but there was a clear, guiding spirit that emanated from our collective cooperation. We named that shepherding spirit ReasonReason is a mythological character and symbolic guide who shows you how to think and behave in a Right-Minded way. As your Right-Minded teacher, Reason helps you differentiate and choose between Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors. More. Reason continually and gently reminded us of our caring thoughts and feelings for one another.
With Reason’s guidance, there was no fear. There was no doubt as to who and what we were. We were one, always there for one another and we easily worked together. We needed and wanted each other and we had everything we could ask for.
But out of nowhere, a tiny, mad idea crept into our collective minds. For just an instant, we began to wonder,
Is there more to be gained than what we have achieved by working together as one unified team?
This moment was the birth of separation.
Fortunately, most of us just kindly laughed off the silly question. But some listened. They began to think separate thoughts. Some had the thought that if they could work alone and take more for themselves, it would make them even happier.
Then Reason stepped gently into our collective minds and asked,
But how could we have more than everything?
Reason went on to remind us that we had free will. If we wanted, we could follow that foolish little thought. If we did, it would be just like falling asleep and having a bad dream. Fortunately, Reason assured us that if anyone fell asleep, we would not abandon them. All of us would remain here together, as one, to help them wake up.
For most of us, Reason’s gentle question and kind words made sense. We decided Reason’s advice was right for us. That decision was our first moment of Reason. Shifting our focus back to our teamwork, we continued to work together as one.
But not everyone agreed.
One, named “EgoEgo is the negative, wrong-minded teacher who continually tells you how difficult the world is and how you must constantly fight to survive. More,” concluded that if they had more than anyone else, it would make them even more special than Reason – or so they thought.
Ego didn’t realize that this idea of being different and special was yet another tiny, mad idea. In the world of onenessOneness is a psychological state of mind. It can be described in many ways using phrases such do no harm, and work as one. Separateness is its opposite. More, everyone is on the same team, working towards the same goals for the same reasons, contributing fully. There is no value in being an outlier, somehow different than the rest. What would that add to the team? Within the Unified Circle of Right-Minded Thinking, we are all one.
Still, Ego persisted, following the mad idea, and seeking their own way until they began to fall asleep, just as Reason had predicted. As Ego’s eyes closed, Reason tenderly placed a folded note alongside Ego. On the outside, it read, “Open when you are ready to wake up.” On the inside, Reason included practical ideas on how to move back into the Unified Circle of Right-Minded ThinkingYour daily acts of living your team Work Agreements is how you remain in the forgiving Unified Circle Right-Minded Thinking. More. Eventually, this vital information would help Ego return.
But let’s continue with the story. Fast asleep, Ego didn’t notice Reason’s gesture or note. To the slumbering Ego, the plan was crystal clear: Get more by taking more from others—more of… everything.
So off Ego went, taking more and more. Even though there was enough for everyone, Ego continued to take extra. But soon, Ego ran into a problem: Where to store all the extra stuff so no one would take it back?
Ego decided to leave and find a place to hide the stuff, somewhere no one could see it or steal it.
Proud of having such an excellent plan, Ego struck up a conversation with some others on the way to taking more stuff to hide. Ego bragged about all the really good stuff already stored away and the excellent plan to acquire even more. Ego even claimed to have more than Reason, which of course, was not true. Ego’s illusion – delusion – made Ego feel special and important.
Regrettably, Ego was able to convince a few others to join in. They wanted Ego’s version of specialness, too. Each of them began taking more, just like Ego.
They called their new group a tribe. Reason, and all those still following Reason’s attitudes and Right-Minded Thinking, called them the Separated Ones. For a little while, the separated tribe sort of worked… until one day, a tribe member took stuff from another tribe member.
Now there was conflict. Conflict was a new feeling; no one had experienced it before. Other new emotions, like anger, fear, revenge, grievance, and doubt began showing up in the tribe members’ minds as well. Everyone agreed these new feelings were awful. They convinced themselves and each other that their only hope of getting rid of those dreadful feelings was to go out and take more stuff. They tried to cover their fear with more – which, in truth, never works.
Soon, the tribe member who lost stuff to the other member became incredibly angry and hostile. They couldn’t stand it any longer. A new question crept in: How could they protect their stuff?
One more tiny, mad, Ego-driven idea arose in their mind:
I know what I’ll do! I’ll leave this tribe and start my own tribe.
The World We Live & Work in Today
From that moment on, more and more tribe members began to join and split off, then join and split again, over, and over. Eventually, their wrong-minded choices created the world we live in today: a world filled with adversaries where once there were only allies.
Today, we have thousands of tribes around the globe taking from one another in more physical and psychological ways than we can possibly count. We live in a complex world of duality and chaos. A world of yours and mine. A world where, far too often, people fight over and take each other’s stuff.
Most of us who are stuck in wrong-minded thought systems do not even know we are stuck. Fortunately, as napping Egos, we are only asleep in a nightmarish and chaotic dream where every choice leads to greater dysfunction.
We Can Work as One
We are dreaming of separation, but in reality, we are still one. If we choose, we can still follow Reason. We can begin our journey back to Right-Minded Teamwork and the unified circle of oneness. It’s not too late to wake up.
Waking up means first gently accepting the fact that, as long as we view ourselves as our Egos, we are out of our right minds.
Once we accept this – our first moment of ReasonWhen you are facing a challenge such as an Ego attack, and you experience a positive and perhaps surprising moment of revelation, clarity, or sanity, you have achieved a moment of Reason. More – we will discover Reason’s note, apply the sage advice, and gladly embrace Right-Minded attitudes and behaviors.
Moral of the Story
Wake up.
Shift your perspective.
Return to the Unified Circle of Right-Minded Thinking.
No matter what happens, and no matter how real it may feel or appear, Ego’s world is a dream. As a team leader, teammate, or team facilitator, your new purpose – your special function – is to partner with Reason to awaken your teammates from their negative, adversarial nightmare and show them how to choose Reason, too.
As you do, you will invite them to participate in creating your team’s Right-Minded thought systemWhat you believe is your thought system. Pause and reflect on this truth, and above all, be thankful that it is true. More. This set of team beliefs and behaviors will bring all teammates back into collaborative unity, allowing you to work together as one team.
Reason’s Personal Note to You
Do you remember as Ego was falling asleep, Reason tenderly placed a folded note alongside Ego? On the outside, it read, “Open when you are ready to wake up.” On the inside were practical ideas on how to move back into the Unified Circle of Right-Minded Thinking.
Now that you are ready to wake up and help your teammates wake up, too, it is time to read what Reason wrote. You unfold the note and read…
We are Reason
Before you listened to Ego and embraced the tiny, mad idea of separation, everyone stood inside the Unified Circle of Right-Minded Thinking. We were One. We were, collectively, Reason.
You know this to be true. Your own experience has taught you this. There have been times, even in your separated life, when all your needs were met. There was no sense of want because you had what you needed. That experience reflects your pre-separation state.
You have also felt, in the past, safe and secure in Reason’s way of living and working with your brothers and sisters.
Remember those moments of Reason. Restore your mind to Reason, follow your intuition, shift your perspective, and your Right-Minded behaviors will tenderly flow through you to your teammates.
Of course, to simply say these words means nothing. You must live these words. Then, they will mean everything.
Choose to step inside the Right-Minded circle of unified teamwork and gently and firmly train your mind and heart to remember your pre-separation state. Say to yourself, “I can elect to change all thoughts of separation. Choosing anything but working together as one unified team is nothing but a dream.”
This is the truth.
Within your team and within yourself, it must be said, then repeated many times. At first, it will be accepted as partially true with many reservations. Over time, it will be considered seriously, more and more, until it is finally accepted as truth.
Come back!
Stand confidently inside the circle. Draw your teammates back into living Right-Minded Teamwork behaviors. By drawing your teammates back, you strengthen Reason’s way of living in this world for your brother, your sister, and yourself.
Now, follow these instructions. Apply the 5 Elements of Right-Minded Teamwork and the 9 Right Choices. Learn the 7 Mindfulness Lessons of Right-Minded Thinking. And begin your journey back to the place of oneness from which you came.
~ Reason
This story, the Right-Minded Teamwork process, the Right-Minded Teamwork Attitudes & Behaviors, and the RMT Choice Model were inspired by A Course in Miracles.
Download the Free Ebook
Download this book, now. Reason, Ego & the Right-Minded Teamwork Myth: the Philosophy and Process for Creating a Right-Minded Teamwork Works together as One.
The book is a thorough and comprehensive introduction to the RMT process, that includes seven integrated RMT books that lead to continuous improvement.
So go ahead. Download it now. Scan the content and read what grabs your attention, and I promise you will know if Right-Minded Teamwork is for you and your team.
If you say “yes” to RMT, everything you need to create and sustain Right-Minded Teamwork is in these eight books.