Buy these Reusable Resources; get these files:
- PDF: 65 pages, RMT in Any Team – Resources
- Word Document: 14 pages, RMT in Any Team – Reusable Resources
- PDF: Ebook – RMT in Any Team
- ePUB: Ebook – RMT in Any Team
Package includes: 2 PDFs, 1 Word Document, 1 ePUB
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Together they include the models, resources, and exercises from RMT’s book Right-Minded Teamwork in Any Team: The Ultimate Team Building Method to Create a Team That Works as One.
If you purchased this book here at Right-Minded Teamwork, you already have these materials.
If you purchased this book elsewhere, buy these Reusable Resources & Templates for use in your team. You’ll be glad you did. Just add to the cart and use the coupon code found in the Resouces Section of your book for a special discounted price.
Reusable Resources Content
- 7 Steps for Creating a Customer Satisfaction Plan
- 30 Right-Minded Teamwork Attitudes & BehaviorsThe Right-Minded Teamwork model includes a list of 30 behavioral and process-oriented teammate attitudes and behaviors.
- 25 Team Performance Factor Assessment
Infographic Models
- 5 Elements of Right-Minded Teamwork
- RMT’s 5 Elements Implementation Plan
- Continuous Team Improvement
- 12 Steps: How to Design a Right-Minded Team-Building Workshop
- Meeting Plan Checklist – FREE
- Top 10 To-Dos for Facilitating Successful Meetings – FREE
- How to Apply the Right Choice Model
Reusable Templates
- Team-Building Workshop Agenda
- Team Report of Improvement
Teammate Development Exercises
- Trust Dialogue Team-Building Exercise
- About Me & My Preferences Team-Building Exercise
- Defining Teammate Roles and Responsibilities Exercise Using 4 Questions
Reason, Ego & the Decision-Maker
- ReasonReason is a mythological character and symbolic guide who shows you how to think and behave in a Right-Minded way. As your Right-Minded teacher, Reason helps you differentiate and choose between Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors., EgoEgo is the negative, wrong-minded teacher who continually tells you how difficult the world is and how you must constantly fight to survive., and the Right-Minded Teamwork Myth
Want Better Teamwork?
It is worth stating and restating: Right-Minded Teamwork has nothing to do with right-brain thinking or right-wing viewpoints.
Moreover, RMT has everything to do with what you and your teammates collectively decide is “right.” Therefore, your team’s choices – captured in your team Work AgreementsA Work Agreement is a collective teammate promise to transform non-productive, adversarial behavior into collaborative teamwork behavior. – on what acceptable work behavior and efficient processes look like define your team’s Right-Minded Teamwork “thought systemWhat you believe is your thought system. Pause and reflect on this truth, and above all, be thankful that it is true..”
In short, the “right” way of doing, being, and behaving is the way that is right for your team. The “right” way is how your team decides you will do no harm and work as one.
Download Right-Minded Teamwork in Any Team today!
Right-Minded Teamwork is everyone’s right!
Thank you for your desire to create Right-Minded Teamwork in your team. You believe, like many others, it is everyone’s right to work together as one unified team and every person, including you and your teammates, may exercise their right – right now. Thank you for doing your part.
You see, by creating Right-Minded Teamwork in your team and organization, you help make the world a better place for everyone, everywhere, forever. Let’s get started right now.
Dan Hogan, Certified Master Facilitator
Dan Hogan –
Hello fellow teammates! Dan Hogan here. I’m the co-creator of Right-Minded Teamwork.
The Right-Minded Teamwork’s 5-Element “reusable resources” will help you strengthen your team’s desire and willingness to create Right-Minded Teamwork.
You see, by creating Right-Minded Teamwork in your team and organization, you help make the world a better place for everyone, everywhere, forever.
Thank you for making the “right choice” by doing your part. Let’s get started right now.