When you are facing a challenge such as an Ego attackAn Ego attack is a negative emotion. It happens when you believe your awful feelings have been caused by something someone did to you. More, and you experience a positive and perhaps surprising moment of revelation, clarity, or sanity, you have achieved a moment of ReasonReason is a mythological character and symbolic guide who shows you how to think and behave in a Right-Minded way. As your Right-Minded teacher, Reason helps you differentiate and choose between Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors. More.
These moments occur when you genuinely try to move from the battleground into the classroom. When Reason’s teaching breaks through, you move from wrong-mindedness into Right-Mindedness.
Moments of Reason are magnificent.
They are a cornerstone of your Right-Minded thought systemWhat you believe is your thought system. Pause and reflect on this truth, and above all, be thankful that it is true. More.
When they happen, you feel confident and at peace. You know what you should do, what to say, and to whom. In moments of Reason, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you want and need your teammates.
You easily return to the Unified Circle of Right-Minded ThinkingYour daily acts of living your team Work Agreements is how you remain in the forgiving Unified Circle Right-Minded Thinking. More, where teammates forgive one another, do no harm, and work as one.
To learn more about “moments of Reason”, pick up these two books:
Reason, Ego & the Right-Minded Teamwork MythIn this short story, we will meet three characters: Reason, Ego and the Decision-Maker. Each plays a key role in creating or destroying teamwork. More The Philosophy and Process for Creating a Right-Minded Team That Works Together as One.
Download the ebook package for Free here at Right-Minded Teamwork
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How to Apply the Right Choice ModelThe model is a teaching aid that helps your team choose a set of unique, “right” teamwork attitudes and behaviors. More: Create a Right-Minded Team That Works as One.
Download the ebook package here at Right-Minded Teamwork