Too many team-building programs have a major problem [think silly team games]. Their problem is that they do NOT address or resolve a team’s real issues and work challenges. You don’t want that approach. You want a practical, effective, real-world, team-building system like Right-Minded Teamwork and the Right Choice ModelThe model is a teaching aid that helps your team choose a set of unique, “right” teamwork attitudes and behaviors. More will help you achieve that!
Q: What Is Right Choice?
A: It is what YOUR team knows is Right for your team.
This model and book are for team leaders, facilitators, and teammates who want to create powerful, effective, Right-Minded teams that Do No Harm and Work as One ®. It will guide you in creating and sustaining a team of productive, supportive, Right-Minded teammates who work together as allies and who are focused on creating customer satisfaction.
Listen: 2:59 Minute Explanation.
Praise for the Right Choice Model
You Only Have 2 Choices; One is Right
When difficult team problems occur, teammates have two options: 1) become an ally, or 2) become an adversary. When you are an adversary, you are a victim or a victimizer, always pointing the finger at others. This kind of behavior forms the lower loop of the Right Choice Model, which describes the ineffective cycle of wrong-minded victimization.
When you choose to be an ally, you work collaboratively with your teammates to achieve team goals. You demonstrate positive and accountable work behaviors - the upper loop of the Model, or the cycle of successfully addressing problems using Right-Minded behavior and accountability.
The Right Choice Model also contains an important question for teammates to apply when difficult situations arise. It is:
"How did I create, promote, or allow this difficult situation to happen?"
In addition to details about how and when to use this question to address team conflict, this crucial question can be printed and distributed to teammates as a physical reminder (look for the printable Right Choice cards template that comes with this ebook package). These cards also include the definition of Right-Minded accountability giving teammates a tangible way to remember and apply the model to make positive, team-oriented choices.
Everything You Need to Get Started Is Here!
This digital package contains these downloadable files:
- Ebook: PDF, 194 pages – How to Apply the Right Choice Model in Your Team
- Ebook: ePBU, 194 pages – How to Apply the Right Choice Model in Your Team
- PDF: 28 pages, How to Apply the Right Choice Model – Reusable Resources
- PDF: Printing Instructions – Cards & Poster
- PDF: Right-Minded Teamwork Choice Model 8×11 Inch Poster – Front & Back
- MS Word Doc: Right-Minded Teamwork Choice Model 3×4 Inch Cards – Front
- MS Word Doc: Right-Minded Teamwork Choice Model 3×4 Inch Cards – Back
But Wait: You Get Reusable Resources, Too!
***NOTE: This ebook package includes accompanying Reusable Resources specific to this book.
Paperback purchases made through Amazon or Barnes & Noble do NOT automatically include these Reusable Resources, though they may be purchased separately on this website. Look for a discount code in the Resources section of your Paperback book, and return to this site to make your purchase.
What Is "Right" in Right-Minded Teamwork?
Right-Minded Teamwork (RMT) is a business-oriented, psychological approach to team building where acceptance, forgiveness, and adjustment are teammate characteristics, and 100% customer satisfactionCreating 100% customer satisfaction is a primary goal of Right-Minded Teamwork. More is the team's result.
The concept of “right” in Right-Minded Teamwork and the Right Choice Model has nothing to do with right-brain thinking or right-wing viewpoints. It is about what your team, together, decides is "right." Your team's preferred way of being and behaving as an ally, i.e. a set of collective teamwork choices, defines your team's Right-Minded attitudes and work behaviors.
Vintage Videos
These two videos, created in 2010, lack some visual quality but their content is as accurate today as it’s ever been. If you have the time, we highly recommend viewing them.
Right Choice is Right Team Behavior
First, learn about upper and lower loop behaviors. Next, an excellent definition of accountability, and finally, a very important question your team must ask whenever a difficult situation happens.
Real Team Building is Right Choice
Silly team games do NOT resolve work challenges. Don’t do them. Instead, follow a practical team-building system such as the Right Choice Model. Learn how to use the model to set up a successful team conversation that will address and resolve your challenges.
New to Right-Minded Teamwork?
Another book, Reason, Ego & the Right-Minded Teamwork Myth, illustrates the origin of Right-Minded Teamwork and Right Choice philosophy through the tale of three characters, ReasonReason is a mythological character and symbolic guide who shows you how to think and behave in a Right-Minded way. As your Right-Minded teacher, Reason helps you differentiate and choose between Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors. More, EgoEgo is the negative, wrong-minded teacher who continually tells you how difficult the world is and how you must constantly fight to survive. More, and the Decision-MakerThe Right Choice Model uses the term “Decision-Maker” to describe the part of you that chooses to listen to Ego or Reason. More. Simply put, teammates are encouraged to follow Reason’s path to onenessOneness is a psychological state of mind. It can be described in many ways using phrases such do no harm, and work as one. Separateness is its opposite. More and shared interest instead of following Ego’s disastrous advice to seek separatenessOneness is a psychological state of mind. It can be described in many ways using phrases such do no harm, and work as one. Separateness is its opposite. More and prioritize selfishness. Following Reason is the Right Choice every time.
To your Success,
Dan Hogan, Certified Master Facilitator
Dan Hogan –
Thanks for teaching us about our two choices [in the Right-Minded Choice Model]. It clearly shows me that I have two choices: I can either be a victim of the world I see, or I can be accountable and change the way I respond to every seeming difficulty that happens. Thanks again. I now feel more in control of myself! Robin H. 2015
Dan Hogan –
I actually have [the Right Choice Model] card pinned with magnets to my file cabinet, and I refer to it routinely to coach myself and others in difficult situations. It has helped us to create a positive attitude in our teamwork. by Dave Jenson 2012
Dan Hogan –
I have a Right Choice Model poster in my office and a card in my wallet that I use frequently when managing conflict and providing coaching to others. It is a valuable tool that has made my job and personal life easier. by Danny Boyd 2014
Dan Hogan –
I’m looking at a Right Choice Model poster in my office as I type this note and appreciate you bringing this into my career and personal life. I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t think about this Model or share the principles with someone. by Jacob Gros 2016
Dan Hogan –
I have been using your Right Choice Model in most of my workshops since 2005. I enjoy it, am inspired by it, and find it very useful. For team-building activities, Right Choice is most definitely highly recommended. by Teca Pedro
Dan Hogan –
I’ve used the Right Choice Model for 20+ years and still live by the process today in my professional and personal life. It’s a great way to kick-start a new team or invigorate a seasoned one. by Ken McCall 2013
Dan Hogan –
I can tell you without a doubt that my team and I use the Right Choice Model all we can and we LOVE it!! Our team has really grown and achieved a lot through the program, and we continue each week in our meetings to utilize what you have taught us. by Cindy Thomas 2015