“Mindedness” is what you choose to think and perceive. Right-Mindedness refers to the positive mental state, perceptions, choices, and actions you demonstrate when following Reason’s guidance.
Wrong-mindedness refers to the negative mental state that occurs when you follow your Ego’s advice.
Mindfulness is a journey without distance to a goal you want to achieve.
In the book How to Apply the Right Choice ModelThe model is a teaching aid that helps your team choose a set of unique, “right” teamwork attitudes and behaviors. More: Create a Right-Minded Team That Works as One, you will find a list of rewards and consequences for choosing Right-Mindedness.
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The term “right-mindedness” is properly used as the correction for “wrong-mindedness,” and applies to the state of mind that induces accurate perception. (ACIM, T-3.IV.4:3)
In the book 7 Mindfulness Training LessonsAchieving Right-Minded Teamwork involves adopting an attitude of mindfulness. These 7 Lessons teach how to do no harm and work as one. More: Improve Teammates’ Ability to Work as One with Right-Minded Thinking, you will learn that in every circumstance, and especially during difficult team situations, Right-Minded Teammates practice mindfulness, or Right-Mindedness, to move them into an ally-focused way of thinking and behaving.
Your Split Mind
Both of these books will help you accept that your mind is split between two thought systems.
At one moment, you are following ReasonReason is a mythological character and symbolic guide who shows you how to think and behave in a Right-Minded way. As your Right-Minded teacher, Reason helps you differentiate and choose between Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors. More, and at the next, EgoEgo is the negative, wrong-minded teacher who continually tells you how difficult the world is and how you must constantly fight to survive. More. It is impossible to create and sustain Right-Minded Thinking with a split mind. To heal your split mind, you want to apply the 7 Mindfulness Training Lessons and the Right Choice Model’s attitudes and behaviors.
To bring your team back into the forgiving Unified Circle of Right-Minded ThinkingYour daily acts of living your team Work Agreements is how you remain in the forgiving Unified Circle Right-Minded Thinking. More, pick up your copy of these books at your favorite book retailer or RightMindedTeamwork.com.
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Only right-mindedness can correct in a way that has any real effect. (ACIM, T-2.V-A.14:2)