What you believe is your thought system.
Pause and reflect on this truth, and above all, be thankful that it is true.
Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, your thought system is the lens through which you view the world. Without exception, everyone has one.
This also is saying that you are 100% responsible for what you see just as you are 100% responsible for how your respond to difficult situations.
Only Two Thought Systems
And though there are many variations, there are only two thought systems from which to choose:
- A Right-Minded thought system, which extends ally beliefs of acceptance, forgiveness, and adjustment to everyone, everywhere, forever
- A wrong-minded system, which projects adversarial assaults of rejection, attack, and defensiveness to everyone, everywhere, forever
Once you have developed a thought system of any kind, you live it and teach it. Even if you are not entirely aware of it, it remains at the forefront of your mind, influencing your daily behaviors and choices.
If your thought system is negative, or you choose to follow EgoEgo is the negative, wrong-minded teacher who continually tells you how difficult the world is and how you must constantly fight to survive. More into an unnecessary and adversarial competition, you cannot be a happy, successful teammate.
To live in the land of OnenessOneness is a psychological state of mind. It can be described in many ways using phrases such do no harm, and work as one. Separateness is its opposite. More where your workplace is a safe and supportive classroom and where you and your teammates work as one to achieve team goals, you must train your mindTo train your mind means, among other things, actively living your team's Work Agreements. More and align your thought system with the teachings of ReasonReason is a mythological character and symbolic guide who shows you how to think and behave in a Right-Minded way. As your Right-Minded teacher, Reason helps you differentiate and choose between Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors. More.
There is no possible compromise between these two thought systems.
You either collaborate, or you compete. When you follow Ego, you take your team to the battleground. When you choose to follow Reason, you willingly create and genuinely strive to live your team’s Work AgreementsA Work Agreement is a collective teammate promise to transform non-productive, adversarial behavior into collaborative teamwork behavior. More. With Reason’s help, you transform your team into a lovely, collaborative, successful classroom.
The choice is clear.
Reject Ego. Embrace Reason.
Be Thankful.
To learn more, pick up your copy of Reason, Ego & the Right-Minded Teamwork MythIn this short story, we will meet three characters: Reason, Ego and the Decision-Maker. Each plays a key role in creating or destroying teamwork. More: The Philosophy and Process for Creating a Right-Minded Team That Works Together as One.
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