Be Truly Helpful as a Right-Minded Teamwork Teacher
Simply put, your special function is to sincerely advocate that Right-Minded Teamwork be applied in your team or your client’s team.
Do that and you will be “Truly Helpful.”
If your teammates accept your invitation, you will eventually succeed in transforming well-meaning colleagues into healthy and high-functioning teammates who actively demonstrate the 10 Right-Minded Teammate Characteristics.
Using RMT tools, such as team Work Agreements, will teach you how to convert team mistakes into beneficial Do No Harm; Work as One work behavior, which is the RMT motto.
Said another RMT way, you consistently say to yourself…
I am here to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Reason who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do because Reason who sent me will direct me.
If your team is not currently applying any team-building process, start using this Quick Start Implementation method now. You are free to use any RMT methods, especially Work AgreementsA Work Agreement is a collective teammate promise to transform non-productive, adversarial behavior into collaborative teamwork behavior. More because there are no licensing or certification requirements.
We only request that you wholeheartedly accept your special function [as a team leader or team facilitator] and help your team create and sustain Right-Minded Teamwork.