Reason is a mythological character and symbolic guide who shows you how to think and behave in a Right-Minded way. As your Right-Minded teacher, Reason helps you differentiate and choose between Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors.
Reason is the opposite of EgoEgo is the negative, wrong-minded teacher who continually tells you how difficult the world is and how you must constantly fight to survive. More. Whereas Ego believes everyone is out to get you and instructs you to do unto others before they do unto you, Reason teaches you to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Think Kindness.
Ego encourages and projects separatenessOneness is a psychological state of mind. It can be described in many ways using phrases such do no harm, and work as one. Separateness is its opposite. More.
Reason cultivates and extends onenessOneness is a psychological state of mind. It can be described in many ways using phrases such do no harm, and work as one. Separateness is its opposite. More.
Reason is that part of your mind that always speaks for the Right Choice attitudes and behaviors. When you need a moment of ReasonWhen you are facing a challenge such as an Ego attack, and you experience a positive and perhaps surprising moment of revelation, clarity, or sanity, you have achieved a moment of Reason. More to find the best way to respond to a difficult team situation, say to yourself
I am here to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Reason who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do because Reason who sent me will direct me.
When you experience a moment of Reason (a moment of revelation, clarity, or sanity regarding a particular challenge), “remembering” Reason’s gentle guidance towards oneness restores your mind to the forgiving Unified Circle of Right-Minded ThinkingYour daily acts of living your team Work Agreements is how you remain in the forgiving Unified Circle Right-Minded Thinking. More.
For the full story of Ego’s tiny, mad idea of separation and how Reason waits even today to bring us back to oneness, pick up your free copy of the ebook Reason, Ego & the Right-Minded Teamwork MythIn this short story, we will meet three characters: Reason, Ego and the Decision-Maker. Each plays a key role in creating or destroying teamwork. More: The Philosophy and Process for Creating a Right-Minded Team That Works Together as One.
Download the ebook package for Free here at Right-Minded Teamwork