*NOTE: If you purchased either of these books here at Right-Minded Teamwork, you already have this team assessment.
Achieve Your Organization’s Strategic Plan: Create a Right-Minded Team Management SystemAn enterprise’s Team Management System (TMS) aligns all teammate attitudes and work behavior throughout the organization. More to Ensure All Teams Work Together as One.
About the Team Performance Factor Assessment
This assessment is an essential part of the RMT’s Team Operating SystemRMT’s Team Operating System is a six-step, 90-day, continuous improvement system that organizes team functions to increase the likelihood of achieving customer satisfaction. More, and it will help you and your team create and sustain Right-Minded Teamwork. It is ONLY available here at
The Team Operating System is a six-step, 90-day, continuous improvement operating system that organizes your team functions to increase the likelihood of achieving customer satisfaction.
The system includes the Team Performance Factor Assessment, which you will use to help teammates identify two to three improvement opportunities every 90 days.
The 25 performance factors in this assessment are perfectly aligned with and thus effectively measure the six steps of your operating system. They measure all aspects of Right-Minded Teamwork.
If You Bought these Two Books Elsewhere
If you purchased either of these books elsewhere like at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple or Smashwords, you have two options for buying this assessment.
- Buy the assessment only – this product or
- Buy your book’s companion Reusable Resources & Templates for use in your team.
Either way, you’ll be glad you did. Just add to the cart and use the coupon code found in the Resouces Section of your book for a special discounted price.
If you ONLY want the 25 Team Performance Factor Assessment
If you want the Performance Factor Assessment ONLY, add it to the cart now and use it to create Right-Minded Teamwork in your team.
A Note from Dan Hogan, Co-Creator of RMT
As I write this, RMT is, to my knowledge, the only model of its kind. However, I pray it is not unique. I hope one day real-world methodologies like RMT become the prevailing team-building approach around the world.
I’m optimistic this future is on its way because I know I’m not alone in wishing for it. Though I’m now retired from active facilitation, for decades, I served teams around the globe as a Certified Master Facilitator. I repeatedly heard my clients express the same desire I had: That this kind of approach to team-building would become commonplace, for the betterment of everyone. They were changed by our work together and what they learned, and many of them went on to share RMT’s concepts and principles with others.
Through them, the ripple effect began. Through you, it can continue. Together, with the help of RMT, we will build teams that do no harm, get work done, and work as one.
Dan Hogan, Certified Master Facilitator
Dan Hogan –
Hello fellow teammates! Dan Hogan here. I’m the co-creator of Right-Minded Teamwork.
If you are implementing Right-Minded Teamwork’s 5-Element process in your team, then you will eventually begin applying the 90-day Team Operating System which includes this 25 Team Performance Factor Assessment. If you would like a “reusable” team assessment, buy this and reuse as much as you like.