Like the Battleground, the classroom is a symbol.
But unlike the battlefield, where people punish or are punished, the classroom is where you learn and find inspiration.
At some point in your past, you have experienced the joy and wonder of learning. Right-Minded Teamwork invites you to view your team as a safe place to experience this wonder and joy as you learn new teamwork skills and collaborate to achieve team goals.
When you are experiencing fear in any form or realize you are having a “guilty” Ego attackAn Ego attack is a negative emotion. It happens when you believe your awful feelings have been caused by something someone did to you. More, you are in the battleground. To return to the classroom, say to yourself, “There is nothing to fear.” In my mind, I choose to rise above this silly battleground and head to my Right-Minded classroom. There, we are committed to Do No Harm and Work as One. There, we accept, FORGIVE and adjust to find solutions.
By recognizing the fear behind your EgoEgo is the negative, wrong-minded teacher who continually tells you how difficult the world is and how you must constantly fight to survive. More attack and reminding yourself to return to the classroom, you experience a moment of ReasonWhen you are facing a challenge such as an Ego attack, and you experience a positive and perhaps surprising moment of revelation, clarity, or sanity, you have achieved a moment of Reason. More. You also strengthen your Right-Minded thought systemWhat you believe is your thought system. Pause and reflect on this truth, and above all, be thankful that it is true. More and restore yourself to Right-Minded Thinking.
In the RMT book How to Apply the Right Choice Model: Create a Right-Minded Team That Works as One, you will find a list of 30 Right-Minded and wrong-minded attitudes and behaviors, plus the associated costs and benefits to your team.
Download the ebook package here at Right-Minded Teamwork